About the Student Technology Fee

Since 1996. The UW Student Technology Fee (STF) was created by the Washington State Legislature [RCW 28B.15.051] and the UW Board of Regents in 1996 to provide for and enhance technology resources for students beyond the classroom environment. The STF is student-levied and student-distributed, generating over $4 million in annual revenue which is paid out to over 100 student groups and departments each year.

The STF is used to fund a variety of technology needs, some being one-off proposals and others being regular and renewable “Block” requests. Recent requests have included a Smart Board for the Department of Economics, automated sanitization stations for the Department of Chemical Engineering, and equipment for a Mars Rover built by Husky Robotics. Other departments, including UW Libraries, STLP, The Daily, and UW-IT receive Block Funding totaling over $1 million annually.

The STF Committee is composed of representatives selected by the Associated Students of the University of Washington (ASUW) and the Graduate and Professional Student Senate (GPSS). These representatives, or Committee members, are responsible for reviewing proposals, debating their merits, and rendering a decision. The Committee is also supported by several student and professional staff members who conduct day-to-day operations, fiscal oversight, and auditing services.

Assistance: If you need assistance or have questions while filling out this application, please contact us at stfproposalteam@uw.edu
Saving: Your application will auto-save at regular intervals, but you may also manually save your work at any time by clicking the save button in the upper-right-hand corner of the screen.
Time: There are 7 substantive parts to the application. Each field has a maximum word count - 50 for short-answer and 250 for long answer. Please be concise but detailed in your responses, only providing the information asked.
Collaboration: You may collaborate on your proposal application in real-time with other people by clicking "Manage Collaborators" in the upper-right-hand-corner of the application. Only the primary applicant (the one who started the form) can submit the form when complete.

Logging-in: Due to changes in how Submittable authorizes logging-in, please create a new account when applying for the first time. If you have applied in the past, please reset your password using "Forgot Password" when logging-in.

Student Technology Fee Committee